Greg Hoy Gives Us a Glimpse into His World - Buzzslayers

Voyage Minnesota Presents

Daily inspiration with Greg Hoy

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Adversity generally paves the way for greater creativity. Having said that, the myth of the starving artist holds a powerful presence — particularly for those of us in Generation X. Watching the eroded paths of visionary musicians, painters, and actors as their talent and lives squandered to addiction did not have the greatest effect on us. The thought that a healthy mind and body were just as important to creativity as following the muse is far more recent

'A veteran singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist producer who has helped foster modern music scenes on two coasts. Along the way he has worked with some of the biggest names from rock & roll’s past and present.' - The Static Dive

A few moments with Greg Hoy and The Boys

"One story from this latest tour of the east coast involves finding a replacement bass guitar after the first gig in New York. Guitar Centers are wonderful, ubiquitous places with lax return policies staffed full of whimsical, unique employees eager to help sell you a long term $80 warranty on an item that costs $20. And there’s a fine line between exciting and exhausting. Let’s just say we crossed it after the 7th or 8th store in the northeast.'